Monday, October 31, 2011

trying to write 1667 words today

Nanowrimo starts tomorrow and so i thought I'd try to write 1667 words today but I'm hovering around 700. I don't like the direction I took. I tried writing the first chapter of my kids' book but beyond the first line I'm getting a long way off of my flimsy plan.

I started an adult fiction chick lit kind  of novel during March break this year. I've got about 20 000 words written.

I thought I'd start a 3rd novel and let my brain rip and not think about a plan.

Well, my laptop battery is low so I might just have found my excuse to go back to reading Steve Jobs autobiography instead of writing this evening.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Opening lines from mostly kids' books

“There is no lake at Camp Green Lake.” 
Louis Sachar, Holes.

"Their mother had been here in the hospital with the new baby for almost a week." 

The Penderwicks on Gardam Street by Jeanne Birdsall 

"So Mom got the postcard today." When you reach me by Rebecca Stead

"He did not wan to be a wringer." Wringer by Jerry Spinelli


I should be writing

There are post-its stuck onto my laptop with novels in the works' titles and easily attaniable word counts per day goals.

I got the critic back from my instructor on my second book novel writing  course assignment and unfortunately for my ego, said instructor saw and pointed out holes in my synopsis. Ouch!! Double ouch!

So I can either quit or lick my bruised ego and dig in my heels and work harder. I left his comments aside for a couple of days before re-reading them and realizing that maybe, just maybe he could be right about a few things. This morning or afternoon, I'm not sure which because I was late getting out of my jammies, I analyzed his comments and turned them into a TO-DO list which got turned into more post-its which will find their places stuck somewhere onto my laptop when I finish writing this.

On the bright side:
story is age appropriate
principal characters are interesting
good inner conflict

I now have to work on:
developping secondary characters so that they won't seem so cartoonish and more like real people
injecting humour (I didn't think that there had to be humour in the synopsis, I just thought I'd ooze humour as I actually wrote the novel, ok, no more excuses!)
 finding suitable U.S. publishers (I only researched Canadian publishers thinking I'd have better chances at getting published!)
 working on plot and subplot

 Oh and I have to write the 1st chapter and detailed outlines for chapters 2 and 3 with rough outlines of the remaining chapters before December 15th!!!
 I desperately want to NANOWRIMO.
 Maybe I'll just write this novel they way I see it in my head and write furiously for 30 days and the edit for 15!!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Long Story Short will also be publishing one of my poems

I found out yesterday that Long Story Short will be publishing one of my poems which I wrote during my week long workshop with Linda Rief at La Sapinière in Val-David last August.

This is very encouraging.

I must kick myself to keep on sending out other stories and poems when there are submission calls.

I'm still researching traditional publication vs epublishing vs self-publishing. If anyone is reading this and has any thoughts, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Any Wannabe novellists out there? Have I got a challenge for you. November is National Novel Writing Month better known as NANOWRIMO.
Register so that you can tak eup the challenge and write that novel that's just screaming to fly onto the page.

Original song "Butterflies and robins". I wrote this as I was noodling with The Police's Every breath you take. You'll probably recognize the intro. The words just came flying out and the whole song was written in a matter of minutes. The song was recorded with GarageBand and a Snowball usb microphone bye Blue. The video pics were taken with Mac's Photobooth and the video was edited with Imovie. I am Queenbeebee222 on Youtube.

This song is totally different. I wrote "Say you know" sometime in the late 70's or early 80's. When I recorded it with the above mentioned equipment, I thought it would be fun to make it more electric. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I've been published!!!!

Hi there!

I just wanted to share my good news.

Long Story Short, an e-zine, has chosen to publish one of my short stories in their October issue.

Here is the link:
Long Story Short
My short story, His very own bully, by Julia Nadon published by Long Story Short.

On this Thanksgiving Weekend, I am thankful for good health, work I enjoy, family and friends, a beautiful setting here around Montebello.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
